Friday, August 12, 2011

My Happiness Project

Sup peeps? I'mmmm bacckK!!
How's the summer been? Mine's been eventful to be sure! I've been trying to tackle many types of applications.. jobs, college, mac.. the list goes on and on. But I like lists so that's fine.
One of the most interesting things I've delved into is a book by Gretchen Rubin called The Happiness Project.
I just started it yesterday, but I find the concept incredibly amazing. I mean, isn't that what everyone really wants from their life? Happiness? I know that's what I think of when I ask myself what I want. And yet, why does it seem so lofty a goal? Hopefully at the end of this book, I'll be able to learn more about what I can do right now to make myself happier. (not that I'm not happy now.. right now I'm happier than I've been for 5 years!)
Anyways, I officially declare today the first day of My Happiness Project that will last 14 days.
Love you and good luck at whatever you're doing today!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The State of the Mind

Here's an amazing blog I found today. I totally agree with the way that she views life, and I wish more of us could be more like her.

*the link isn't working, so here's the URL. You will just have to copy and paste.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Poem by me..

Beautiful Poison
Must this stabbing in my stomach continue?
Surely I can make it stop,
but do I want to?
The sharp acrobatics
beating time in my abdomen,
are symptoms of you
in my life.
But the symptom of life,
without you,
is death.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Question: What is the Average Height for an Adult Woman?

Answer: According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the average height for an adult female in the United States is:

* 63.8 inches, or
* 5 feet 3.8 inches

I am 5'5". therefore, i AM NOT SHORT!

The Creepiest Music Video Ever Made

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"bumps", ear lobes, high heels, keys, butter and.. birthdays?

Interesting bday customs from arounnnd the worldd

Brazil - Pulls on the earlobe. The birthday child receives a pull on the earlobe for each year they have been alive. The birthday person also gives the first slice of cake to his/her most special friend or relative, usually mom or dad. At the age of 15, the girl dances a waltz with staring with her father and grandfather. She dances with a total of 15 partners each symbolizing a year of her life.

Canada - Greasing the nose with butter or margarine. In Atlantic Canada (Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Newfoundland) the birthday child is ambushed and their nose is greased for good luck. The greased nose makes the child too slippery for bad luck to catch them. This tradition is reputed to be of Scottish decent. Birthday punches. In Quebec the birthday person receives a punch for each year they are alive and then one for good luck.

Ecuador - Pink Dress. When a girl turns 15 there is a great celebration and the girl wears a pink dress. The father puts on the birthday girls first pair of high heels and dances the waltz with her while 14 maids and 14 boys also dance the waltz.

England - Fortune Telling Cakes and Bumps. Certain symbolic objects are mixed into the birthday cake as it being prepared. If your piece of cake has a coin in it, then you will be rich. Also, when its your birthday your friends give you the "bumps" they lift you in the air by your hands and feet and raise you up and down to the floor, one for each year then one for luck, two for luck and three for the old man's coconut!

South Africa - Presentation of a key at age twenty-one. On the twenty-first birthday a key made of anything from paper to aluminum foil to silver to gold is presented by the parents as a sign that the child is ready to unlock the door to their future.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"I do believe in faeries, I DO, I DO!"

Hey peeps. yes. it is the eve of my 17th birthday. and no. i'm not anxiously awaiting 12:12 tonight to come. I can't believe that in only a year and a day(ish), i will be 18. 18. that magical age where everything becomes not fun and you have "responsibilities" thrust onto you and you can't believe in faeries anymore cause its not "adult". I can't imagine how i'm going to be able to deal with no more "fun". i mean, obviously, my definition of "fun" will change... but.. i feel like all the adults i know are so.. cynical. I really really hope i never NEVER am like that. future me, please, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING AMAZING, please.. never forget your innocence, for without it, where would anyone ever be. Without some sense of innocence, you can't be creative. and if you're not creative, i will personally go into a time machine and kill you myself. thanks for listening. And faeries exist. just sayin'.

“Too many people grow up. That's the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget.” -Walt Disney

Monday, April 11, 2011

Angels and Demons

Why is it that teachers, especially ENGLISH teachers, always feel the need to ruin good literature. I mean really! Here I was, thinking we'd ACTUALLY have a good unit on poetry, BUT NO. We have to write thematic statements on the 37 poems we have to read. Thanks a lot. You have ruined them for me. Why must the teachers, who are supposed to be teaching us the very thing they love, turn it against us with their powers of over-analyzation (who knew that wasn't a word...) and their ability to put teenagers to sleep with one word from their gaping maws, while simultaneously ripping the meaning out of these poor, harmless poems? Did they ever do anything to you? I don't think so Ms. C. I don't think so.
What else are we, the students (at least the non-annoying, normal ones..), supposed to do but go at you shrieking, swords of heaven blazing, jumping up to defend the honor of the poor souls who have encountered an english teacher and lived to tell the tale? These small poems are the vestiges of their authors' former literary genius (from before they were corrupted by "education"). To arms, my paragons! Let us not stand by, turning our heads away from this demonry! We shall prevail against Our enemies! We shall cut in pieces the cords of the wicked and triumph glitteringly!

p.s. Ms. C-we all know you're like that old lady in that one movie. You know. The one that looks harmless but turns into a bat thing and jumps all over the walls and kills that guy? yeah. that's you.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

It's Magic!

How to Clear a Blocked Nose:
Did you know your body has a natural mechanism for clearing your nose?

Push your tongue against the top of your mouth and place a finger between your eyebrows and apply pressure. Hold it for about 20 seconds and your sinuses will begin to drain.

Got Awkward?

Today, at hockey, a man called out my name, and I had no idea who he was. He talked to me for a lil bit, and during the whole conversation i was praying i wouldn't have to say his name, because i had no idea what it was, even thought he seemed vaguely familiar. So i figured i'd do a post about an awkward moment in my life. These moments are definitely NOT few and far between.. in fact quite the opposite.. but i've learned to just roll with them, because if i can't, i would be a shriveled hermit caged in my room for fear that i was going to be embarrassed again. (i just noticed embarrassed is like bare assed.. which makes total sense actually!) So people, listen up. Most people are too self absorbed to notice much about anyone else, so, the point of this whole post is to encourage self realization. And when i say self realization, i mean the realization that your self is not perfect, and its perfect that way.

Poetry:-Poems about Life and various events of Life
By Palas Kumar Ray

Awkward moments.

I forgot you and also what I actually told
I felt uneasy as you went on saying’ Behold!
A few words from you these are
I've kept them as my precious treasure
I've saved them from time's cruel seizure.'

Memories drizzled while eyes blurred.
I blushed in shame and felt awkward.
Searching your name in vain till last
which I lost somewhere in my past
'You are, You are…’ I mused clearing dust

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bring it on, Aliens!!

Okay. JUST to prove one of my friends wrong, I'm going to do the unthinkable and post twice in a day :) SO! I found this on a website that I absolutely adore and think is hilarious. I figured it would do for today.

About Meeee

Hey. So. Not too much to tell about me, other than I basically have 5 things that make up my life. 1. Music 2. Hockey 3. School 4. My "social life" 5. My Family. Other than these 5 things, I got nothin'. So the reason this is even happening is cause first of all, my other blog is lame, and second of all, I feel the need to express my probably boring life through blogging, just the same as half of America. Hopefully it actually helps me figure myself out.. we'll see. stay tuned America, because I'm about to try to figure out what the hell is happening.